Certification & accreditation information security service
Certification & accreditation information security service
Certification & accreditation information security service
Quantum Security has a skilled team of security consultants capable of supporting your organisation in all activities contributing to the Certification and Accreditation (C&A) process. Our team has extensive experience in facilitating and conducting each component of the C&A process and expertise in industry best practice and security standards, including the New Zealand Information Security Manual (NZISM).
We utilise proven security expertise to conduct thorough reviews of your business processes and information systems and produce clear, useable reports detailing key findings and appropriate recommendations. This will allow you to understand your current security position and prioritise remediation activities to ensure your organisation is both compliant to security requirements and operating effectively.
Quantum Security has a skilled team of security consultants capable of supporting your organisation in all activities contributing to the Certification and Accreditation (C&A) process. Our team has extensive experience in facilitating and conducting each component of the C&A process and expertise in industry best practice and security standards, including the New Zealand Information Security Manual (NZISM).
We utilise proven security expertise to conduct thorough reviews of your business processes and information systems and produce clear, useable reports detailing key findings and appropriate recommendations. This will allow you to understand your current security position and prioritise remediation activities to ensure your organisation is both compliant to security requirements and operating effectively.
Security Design Review
A review of your information system design will identify important issues early in the development process and provide key recommendations to support your organisation’s defence against security threats.
Information Risk Assessments
An assessment highlighting the key threats and weaknesses of your organisation’s systems. The assessment identifies the level of risk mitigation that can be attained through implementation of security controls, based on business priorities.
Controls Validation Audit
An audit of relevant controls for your system that will provide your organisation with an understanding of your level of compliance to security requirements and highlight of defective controls.
Security Design Review
A review of your information system design will identify important issues early in the development process and provide key recommendations to support your organisation’s defence against security threats.
Information Risk Assessments
An assessment highlighting the key threats and weaknesses of your organisation’s systems. The assessment identifies the level of risk mitigation that can be attained through implementation of security controls, based on business priorities.
Controls Validation Audit
An audit of relevant controls for your system that will provide your organisation with an understanding of your level of compliance to security requirements and highlight of defective controls.
Remediation Planning & Validation
Remediation planning involves defining an approach to address issues and defective controls to enable your organisation to improve its security posture.
On-going Assurance
On-going assurance activities in the form of a Security Roadmap will enable your organisation to maintain its security posture and identify new vulnerabilities.
Risk and Audit Reports
Our thorough reports provide a clear business view of your current risk position, key risks and issues, and key recommendations.
Remediation Planning & Validation
Remediation planning involves defining an approach to address issues and defective controls to enable your organisation to improve its security posture.
On-going Assurance
On-going assurance activities in the form of a Security Roadmap will enable your organisation to maintain its security posture and identify new vulnerabilities.
Risk and Audit Reports
Our thorough reports provide a clear business view of your current risk position, key risks and issues, and key recommendations.
Need to test your security?
Get in contact today to have a chat with one of our technical experts.
Need to test your security?
Get in contact today to have a chat with one of our technical experts.